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GB/T13793-2008 Q295B welded steel pipe

GB/T13793-2008 Q295B welded steel pipe is a low-alloy high-strength structural steel, Q295B welded steel pipe has good plasticity, weldability and impact toughness, hot and cold processing performance and low, medium temperature performance is also very good, a certain degree of corrosion resistance. Q295B welded steel pipe Can be used in the manufacture of vehicle stamping parts, building structural parts, in the low-pressure chemical containers and oil pipelines. Delivery status to hot-rolled, controlled rolling, normalizing and normalizing and tempering delivery.

GB/T13793-2008 Q295B welded steel pipe

Q295B welded steel pipe Chemical composition:


GB/T13793-2008 Q295B welded steel pipe Mechanical properties:

mechanical property of Q295B  




Elongation after

strength Rel/N/MM^2


fracture A/%




no less than





If you are interested in our Q295B welded pipe under GB/T13793-2008 standard, please feel free to contact us, we will at the first time to answer your questions, We only provide qualified GB/T13793-2008 Q295B welded steel pipe products with the best quality and reasonable price for our customers, you are welcome to call for inquiry.